WANT TO SELL YOUR OLD BOOKS?Book dealers are interested in a purpose-built collection that will bring value to a customer. Finding that certain collection you’ve been looking for brings a…
Ever wondered why it's hard to on-sell your old books to second hand or old book stores?Currently it is difficult for the private seller of general secondhand books to sell…
We do buy books privately but rarely and are very selective. More often we are searching for particular books that will add to our expertly chosen collections.Thus we are not interested…
The Love Vintage Books blog is written by Margaret Dunstan, the owner/manager. Margaret has been selling collectible & vintage books via shop fronts, mail order, fairs & markets from 1990 & online from 1999.
The purpose of this blog is to widen the appreciation of real books. It is hoped that by regularly posting information about book collecting and book events the incentive to buy and collect real books of enduring value & interest by younger generations will grow.