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Book Collecting Tips

This Week in the Book Shop – Sydney’s Garage Sale Trail

By October 24, 2014September 14th, 2022No Comments

Residents of Willoughby must be getting ready for Sydney’s Garage Sale Trail this coming weekend.  I know this because I have been inundated with the question “Do you buy books?” usually asked in a sheepish but determined manner. I am doing my best not to scream back in a manner after “Black Books”: “of course I do, the books don’t drop from heaven onto the shelves”; but instead, to explain my book buying policy and what I am interested in purchasing.

For those trolling garage sales for resaleable books, a reliable indicator of value (for hardcover books) is dimension. Simply, the larger the book is in width and height, the less valuable it is. Naturally there are exceptions…rare book selling is not an exact science.